Benefits of practical approach in teaching science in schools.

To validate the qualification of Science education, assessment of practical skills is a crucial aspect. Science teaching needs a variety of requirements with respect to exposure to a practical approach.

The requirements will also change with respect to the curriculum viz. middle school, Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge A Level, and IBDP. ABWA works immensely on accommodating science laboratory exposure to all grades and all students by complex timetabling.

To develop analytical skills and consolidate theory at an early age, at ABWA the exposure to practical approach is initiated in middle school. Most of the experiments are demonstrated to the students to enhance their learning.

Being one of the best schools in Mumbai, at ABWA the practical approach at IGCSE level is hands-on training and assessment. Most of the best Cambridge schools in Mumbai have a similar approach. It helps students to develop their planning and manipulative skills. Many best schools near me opt for ATP which is an alternative to practical but as most of the best Cambridge schools in Mumbai, including ABWA we opt for practical papers where students are exposed to enough practical practice and examination. This is not an easy process. This requires a variety of areas including laboratories, stores, technician workshops or preparation rooms, resource areas, and office space for teachers. Additionally, the range of latest and good quality equipment, chemicals and appropriate apparatus. At ABWA, we fulfill the compliance to the guidelines released from Cambridge and IB to facilitate the students appropriately. Students indeed are involved in an appropriate amount of practice and respective practical examination at IGCSE, AS level, and IA component of IB.

Being one of the best Cambridge schools in Mumbai, at ABWA we offer AS and A level, which includes a practical examination component and design component respectively. A dedicated team of teachers works effectively to ensure that the students get enough exposure to appear for the same. Students have the option of all streams of sciences viz. Physics, Chemistry, and Biology at AS level practical.

Although, in the IBDP program practical assessment is not required. But being one of the best IB schools in Mumbai, at ABWA teachers arrange some practical sessions for consolidation of theory and assist in IB Internal Assessment requirements. At IB we work throughout the year to assist students with their IA criteria in multiple ways viz. Guidance for framing research questions, guidance for performing experiments and collection of data. Some special equipment or apparatus needs to be procured as per the requirements of the individual student’s IA.

To appreciate scientific study further, and to develop an appreciation of the possibilities and limitations of science and technology, at ABWA students are promoted to engage themselves in Group 4 Project. In group 4 Project they explore an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and their influence on other areas of knowledge. They work in a group and explore connections between different streams of the sciences.

Being one of the best IB schools in Mumbai, at ABWA, an internal calendar is made to facilitate the exposure of practical skills to the students from other schools. The programs like orientation to the laboratory equipment ensure the gaps between new admission and in-house students. A dedicated team of lab assistants smoothly implement a process for acquiring specific equipment or chemical as per the student’s individual IA requirement.

Exposure to the practical approach at an early stage i.e. at middle school helps to build the continuum from middle school to IGCSE and is followed by A Level or IBDP. The continuum helps tremendously to work effectively at different levels, especially at A Level and IBDP.

For practice, internally with an in-house calendar of practical sessions, a good amount of exposure is provided to the students. A variety of practical sessions are arranged to simulate the examination scenarios. During in-house assessments during regular teaching, some innovative activities like a demonstration of the concept in the form of online simulation are conducted. This ensures the conceptual understanding and helps to stimulate grasping during the practical sessions.

At ABWA, we ensure to revise the requirements from time to time and update our teaching and learning practices to the best.

Also read,

Teaching methodology of IBDP


 Dr. Pritesh Nandvikar

Dr. Pritesh Nandvikar

Head of the Faculty, Science Department, Faculty, Biology/ ESS/ EVM (IBDP/ IGCSE)


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